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Dota 2: Guide to Playing Mid Lane

mid lane

Looking for tips in Dota 2? This is a comprehensive guide to playing a Mid Lane character in the MOBA title.

There’s a lot of pressure for mid lane players in Dota 2. For one thing, there are no teammates to rely on there, so any mistakes and misplays are magnified. Unfavorable hero match-ups can feel borderline unplayable as you’ll need to endure and survive through a difficult landing phase. If that’s not enough, these players are the expected mid-game playmakers of the game, as successful rotations can snowball into a fast victory.

It’s a high-stakes and punishing environment where players need to step up their game. But those who embrace the challenge can lead the team and set an aggressive pace that causes enemies to feel threatened in their own jungle. There are many nuances to squeeze out minor advantages in the mid lane, but there’s a short guide to get you thinking about essential mid lane concepts in Dota 2.

Maintain Lane Equilibrium

Maintaining favorable lane equilibrium is a fundamental aspect of controlling any lane in Dota 2, but this skill is crucial for mid laners. The ideal lane equilibrium should have the creep wave fighting near or on top of your high ground without drawing tower aggro. There are dozens of concepts to cover fixing lane equilibrium, such as creep blocking, denying, and dragging them back with aggro. But in general, playing close to the tower creates a safe zone while allowing you to zone out your opponent more effectively.

Most of your time on the mid lane will be locked in a 1v1 duel against another opponent. Depending on the match-up, your goal will either be to get solo kills or survive the early game. There are even matchups where the momentum will shift between each player depending on their levels. For example, Ember Spirit can attempt to take down Huskar in the very early levels, but after that, it becomes a miserable lane for Ember Spirit. Against harder matchups, it’s better to keep the lane shoved right under their tower as you’ll look to make an impact elsewhere.

Shove Creeps to Make Plays

Great mid laners understand the different applications for shoving creeps into the enemy tower. Against a bad lane, you can immediately nuke the wave to push it into their tower, causing the lane to constantly swing and forcing your opponent to farm under their tower. This technique is great against heroes with high harass and poor wave clear, like Sniper.

On the other hand, it also works if you’re on the winning end of the match-up and whittled down your enemy with constant poke damage. You can punish careful players by shoving the creep wave into their tower, pressuring them to go back or risk death. Additionally, you can keep the lane shoved to look for opportunities in the side lanes.

In higher levels of play, the mid player often lends their lane to support, preventing the enemy mid from leaving while also allowing the support to farm. Furthermore, they can delay fast-pushing heroes like Leshrac and Death Prophet, who can easily destroy a tower if left uncontested.

Runes and Ganking

The first power rune appears on either side of the river at exactly 6 minutes, repeating every 2 minutes. The mid lane who can grab these runes will pose a threat to the side lanes, especially if they manage to snatch Haste or Invisibility. Unfortunately, there’s a fifty percent chance of where the rune will spawn. A well-placed ward and the help of the supports allow the mid lane to secure the power rune more effectively. Ideally, the mid lane and support should split up to cover both spawn points, but if the enemy mid lane is comfortable to take the duel, it’s better to double-up and hope luck is on your side.

Many traditional mid laners have the most impact after the landing stage ends. Heroes like Queen of Pain, Void Spirit, and Invoker put their level advantage to excellent use and should put their power spikes to good use by roaming and ganking. Even if they can’t find a key target, pressuring the side lanes is enough to draw enemies to defend their tower, or else they’ll slowly lose their foothold on the map.

Most Impressive Stats in League of Legends Competitive History

League of Legends Competitive

League of Legends Competitive is full of some incredible matches and players, which has led to some insane stats over the years.

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a legend? The League of Legends World Championship arena is not only a caucus of dedicated pro-players to gather as a community and compete for the ultimate prize—millions of dollars and a skin to match the glorious victory. As the top professional players clash, they’re also on a quest to shatter personal records to make their mark within League of Legends’ competitive history.

Keep reading to learn more about these impressive stats from League of Legends competitive.

League of Legends Peak Viewership – 6.4 million

In the recent age for video game streaming, the gaming community has found a new revitalized niche in media consumption. It follows that when you play to be watched, you play to impress to maintain your viewership. But the World Tournaments is not a mere stream but an avenue of League of Legend Stars. This platform magnifies the gravity of pressure to perform in front of millions of viewers.

Around 6.4 million peak viewership—that’s how many spectators convened to watch the conclusion of the 2023 championship among 22 teams funneling in a prestigious clash between Weibo Gaming against T1. The grand finals between the Chinese powerhouses and Korean staples ended with a clean 3-0 sweep in favor of T1. Even though this is Faker’s fourth Worlds championship, T1’s toplaner Zeus deservedly received the MVP award.

Longest Period for a Single Game – 1 hour, 34 minutes and 37 seconds

On average, a little more than half an hour is enough to destroy an enemy nexus in a regular round of a League of Legends game. Imagine, however, if the game drags on for over a double of the average gametime. This was what transpired in the LCK Spring 2018 tournament battle between Jin Air Green Wings and SK Telecom T1 in a best-of-three match.

In the final game of the match breaking the 1 win tie, these South Korean teams clashed for a whopping total of 1 hour 34 minutes and 37 seconds with a decisive onslaught by Jin Air Green Wings. Despite the game’s length, it was a relatively low kill game, ending with 16-8 in favor of Jin Air.

Shortest Game Length – 7 minutes and 30 seconds

It was not trolling when a record was made by a match lasting for a momentous yet uneventful 7 minutes and 30 seconds tagged as the shortest match in League of Legends Competitive History. Nami failed to keep the waves rolling in the LTL 2019 opening when the match between Another Troll Team and TopHard Esports ended in less than ten minutes.

It was brow-arching to see after what appears to be a defeatist move by the blue team jungler retreating to the blue buff after an initial position in the red when it was invaded by the enemy team. This questionable attitude arose from what was allegedly a forced play despite connectivity issues and the losing team just decided to throw it away.

Most Kills in a League of Legends Competitive Match – 17

While it is not the primary objective of a League of Legends Game, dealing devastating deaths against the enemy party is a huge leverage in determining the fate of a game. A single kill can cripple the victim and the same goes against the progress of the entire team. Bringing death like the ruined king, Karsa dealt the most kills as a jungler in single match in the 2022 Spring Split Playoffs between Victory Five and JD Gaming.

With an impressive record of 17 kills, the most in any match in competitive history of League of Legends, Karsa attempted to carry his team with a Viego-pick for three games but to no avail with only a single one. While a loss is still a loss; likewise, a record remains to be a testimony of a historical feat.

Most Collective Kills in the Worlds Tournament – 400

Revered to be as one of the fabled players of the League of Legends, Faker comes in as the player breaking the longest running record of a 350 collective kills of another legendary player Uzi. Having breaches an almost insurmountable amount not only means being able to kill in matches but a consistent placement in teams to play in the World Tournaments.

This record comprise not only of team fight kills where faker ultimately deals the final blow but also kills where he single-handedly tear down and opponent to shreds until an imminent kill with a record of 30 solo kills throught the world championships and 12 in select matches in 2013 only.

Brawl Stars: Pro Tips for Brawl Ball

Tips for playing Brawl Ball

Your comprehensive guide to playing Brawl Ball mode, which lets players participate in an intense back-and-forth of offense and defense.

Brawl Ball is the second most popular game mode in Brawl Stars, and it’s easy to see why. The 3v3 team-based game mode is less pressure than Solo Showdown, yet is more strategic due to the objective and the different map layouts. Brawl Ball lets players participate in an intense back-and-forth of offense and defense. One good play can turn the tide or any map to score into a clutch goal.

Brawl Ball is the game at its best, encapsulating the essence of Brawl Stars – a balance between individual skill, strategy, and teamwork. Despite the constantly evolving meta, balance changes, and new maps, it all comes down to whether or not your team can score that ball. Before diving falling into deep for patch analysis, make sure you got check your fundamentals with these tips for Brawl Ball.

Corner the Ball

The position of the ball dictates the pace of the game and the position of the players. At the start of the match, players usually split into three lanes to try and take more space from the enemy. But if you’re able to position the ball safely, chuck it in the enemy’s corner to force them to try and defend it.

By keeping the ball near the corner, you limit the angles from which enemies can attack, making it harder for them to steal the ball. On the other hand, if the enemy sticks the ball in your corner, try not to panic and allow the enemy to funnel your team. Take more space and angles to pressure them. Just be careful if the enemy team has a mobile character like Edgar and Bull, who can make a surprise goal at the first opportunity.

Break Barriers

Many Brawl Ball maps feature breakable walls or obstacles that can provide strategic advantages. Maps with advantageous walls like Super Beach and Pinball Dreams are a thrower’s paradise and can cause massive issues for your team when left unchecked. Brawlers like Colt and Dynamike can break walls to remove these nests for your team so they have less space to use.

The most important use for breaking barriers is removing layers of defenses from the enemy. Most Brawl Ball maps have walls that act as a natural defense for the enemy, and removing them creates additional pressure. However, be mindful of when and where you break barriers, as doing so prematurely can also open up pathways for your enemies.

Split the Map

Splitting the map refers to dividing it into distinct areas to control space effectively. It’s a common strategy for players with higher trophies as it covers various sections of the map. Even without the traditional three lanes of games like League of Legends or Dota 2, it’s easy to imagine that the map is split between the middle and the two sides.

The key is to take a favorable fight against a Brawler with whom you have a good match-up, usually through attack range. If the enemies aren’t contesting your lane, you’re free to walk up to their side and use the bushes, forcing them to deal with multiple angles. It’s especially dangerous when a bursty Brawler like Shelly can roam around freely.

Play Defense

Playing effective defense in Brawl Ball is just as crucial as scoring goals. Designate a teammate as a dedicated defender, positioned near your goal and always attempts to intercept the enemy shot. Brawlers like Gale can effortlessly stall an offense, while Brawlers like El Primo can steal the ball from the enemy, even when they’re still in control of it.

But the goalie isn’t a passive player; they’re the ones in charge of constantly moving the ball whenever the offense takes space. A proactive goalie can be a game-changer, turning a purely defensive role into a vital link between defense and offense.

Learn Practical Trickshots

Trickshots aren’t only reserved for compilations; some of them have practical uses that can come clutch in your games. Skilled players often employ trickshots to outsmart their opponents and secure crucial goals. It’s more than worth it to commit your super to bank the ball off walls to score unexpected angles.

A practical trickshot that everyone should learn is how to kick the ball behind your opponent. By running straight into your opponent, you can kick the ball behind them without it being stolen away from you. It’s best used by durable Brawlers who can tank a couple of shots to the face without dying.

League of Legends 14.1 Patch Notes: Biggest Takeaways From the New Season

League of Legends Season patch 14.1

Now that League of Legends 14.1 Patch notes are here, we have the biggest takeaways from Season 14 on Summoner’s Rift.

League of Legends Patch 14.1 starts the year fresh with dozens of changes to the game. The biggest change is how the lengthy game update reimagines Summoner’s Rift, expanding the terrain and breaking down jungle paths. Additionally, the void has fully crept its way into the map, introducing the new Voidgrub and Voidmites. Rift Herald and the iconic Baron received a much-needed revamp in this void-touched jungle.

Items also received a major overhaul in Patch 14.1. For one thing, Riot Games has completely scrapped the Mythic item class in an effort to tone down the power levels across the board. And with the addition of new and reworked items, this is uncharted territory for every champion in the rift. It’s one thing to read about all of these changes in the patch notes, but what does this mean for the average player? Here are the biggest takeaways you can expect from League of Legends Patch 14.1.

All Lanes are an Island

patch 14.1

The biggest takeaway in the expanded map is how much harder it is to gank the mid and top lanes. The mid lane is much wider, with the side bushes pushed aside. In the top lane, the river entrance is more visible, even removing the long brush on the blue side. But, it’s the addition of a curved rock that protects the red top laner from the common tri-brush ganking spot.

All these changes mean that Mid and top laners can expect relatively safety in the early game. However, keep an eye out for champions like Nunu, Zac, Shaco, and Reksai, who can use the illusion of safety to their advantage. For top laners, prepare for the inevitable comeback of ADC top laners, like Vayne and Varus.

14.1 patch notes

On the other hand, red side bot lane is more exposed as gankers can easily wrap around near the tower. Aside from that, ganks aren’t free now, and junglers have to work for it. Expect more jungle players to take the easy route and farm for their level six power spikes, like with Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, and Evelynn.

Rumble in the Jungle

Riot Games is treating objectives as a steady progression of power, so expect frequent skirmishes in the jungle as a result. The Voidgrub and Voidmite spawn five minutes into the game at the Baron pit. The revamped Rift Herald at fourteen minutes, and finally Baron at twenty minutes. Players are more incentivized to assist the jungler in taking these objectives because of their valuable buffs for doing so. For example, any player who participated in killing a Voidgrub will be given a stacking true damage buff against the enemy turret.

After Baron Nashor spawns, even the Blue Sentinel, Red Brambleback, and Scuttlecrab become another objective worth fighting for. In the case of the first two, taking them down grants their buff to the whole team! One whole team empowered by Red and Blue Buffs means that fights are about to get a lot more explosive. Start treating the upgraded Blue and Red buff as a real objective, and you’ll be on your way to dominating more fights.

Long Live AP

Finally, League of Legends Patch 14.1 went overboard on buffing AP items, causing them to be the undisputed winners of the patch. Early statistics show a meteoric rise of AP champions like Fizz, Singed, Gwen, and Rumble. Items like Riftmaker, Luden’s Companion, and Guinsoo’s Rageblade enable AP damage. It also helps that Amplifying Tome, an important base component for many AP items, is more affordable to buy.

These AP buffs are exacerbated by the overall critical damage nerf and lethality changes. Nonetheless, expect AP-heavy comps for Patch 14.1.

Don’t forget to signup for Repeat League of Legends tournaments while you’re grinding the new season! You can earn cash and prizes just from playing ranked games like you normally would.

League of Legends: Guide to Playing Jungle Champions

Jungle guide
League of Legends Jungle Guide

Step up your jungle game with this one-stop, everything you need to know guide to playing Jungle champions on League of Legends.

In the intricate world of League of Legends, the presence of an impactful Jungler on a team is indispensable. The Jungle role is uniquely poised to exert significant influence across the entirety of the map. Beyond its expansive territorial reach, a Jungler shoulders the critical responsibility of shaping the early game dynamics, aiding allies in snowballing toward dominance within their designated roles. Afterward, they’re in charge of keeping tempo by securing valuable buffs, key pick-offs, or even serving as a second carry.

This guide to playing Jungle champions is a resource for aspiring Junglers, offering invaluable insights into champion selection, efficient farming, vision control, timely ganking, and strategic buff acquisition.

Champion Selection: Choosing Your Jungling Identity

To embark on your journey as a Jungler, the pivotal first step is to select a champion that aligns harmoniously with your playstyle. League of Legends categorizes Junglers into distinct archetypes, each catering to a different set of strengths and strategies:

  • Farmer Champions: These champions excel at clearing jungle camps efficiently. Their capacity to accumulate gold and experience from creeps equips them to scale impressively during the mid and late game. Notable Farmer Champions include Master Yi, Olaf, and Udyr. The trade-off is that you’re leaving your team alone during the early stages. Ideally, you’ll pick this into a team that’s self-sufficient in lane and scales poorly.
  • Ganker Champions: Highly agile and adept at initiating engagements, Ganker Champions are expert at visiting lanes and providing assistance to their allies. Champions like Vi, Hecarim, and Rek’Sai fall into this category. While they possess outstanding ganking prowess, their jungle clearing speed may be comparatively slower.
  • Duelist Champions: Excelling in one-on-one combat scenarios, Duelist Champions do not rely heavily on farming items. They are also proficient at counter-jungling, disrupting enemy junglers during their camp clears. Notable Duelist Champions include Xin Zhao, Nocturne, and Kha’Zix.
  • Control Champions: Armed with potent crowd-control abilities, Control Champions can incapacitate enemies during crucial objectives such as Dragon, Rift Herald, or Baron captures. This category boasts champions like Trundle, Nunu, and Sejuani, who shine in securing objectives and thwarting opponents.

Efficient Farming: Laying the Foundation

Efficiently clearing neutral monsters is the cornerstone of a Jungler’s success. It enables you to snowball throughout the game and secure valuable buffs to assert dominance over your adversaries. To optimize your early game:

  • At the one-minute mark, start by capturing either the Blue Sentinel or Red Brambleback to secure a buff.
  • Subsequently, proceed to clear jungle camps in the adjacent area containing the opposite-colored monster. Repeat this process.
  • If you’re an aggressive jungler you can look towards contesting Scuttle Crab and grabbing a first blood. Don’t worry if they commit a flash because that means you’ll most likely get them next time.

Vision Control: Warding for Strategic Advantage

Apart from jungle clearing, maintaining vision control is a critical aspect of Jungling. Placing wards strategically not only safeguards your team but also hinders enemy attempts to gank or secure objectives. Utilizing Control Wards and Oracle Lens effectively is key:

  • Control Wards eliminate enemy wards, providing your team with crucial vision control while also yielding extra gold.
  • The Oracle Lens is a cost-effective alternative for removing enemy wards and detecting hidden foes, ensuring the element of surprise remains in your favor.
  • You’re in a key position to plant wards deep into the enemy jungle to track their movements. If you’re a duelist, this becomes more important as you can attempt counter-ganks.

Timely Ganking: Seizing Opportunities

Ganking is a quintessential task for Junglers. A well-executed gank can catch your opponents off guard, disrupt their momentum, and set your team on a path to victory. To optimize ganking:

  • Bot lane is often a prime target for ganks, as allies are typically in position to assist. However, an overextented top lane is the easiest to gank since they have to run back much more to their tower.
  • As much as possible, avoid the straightforward path down the river as there are multiple common ward zones. Either clear them beforehand or take an alternative path, like walk through their jungle or come in from your team’s bush using a blind spot.
  • If opportunities for ganking are limited, consider securing the Scuttle Crab to gain vision along the river, denying the enemy jungler the same privilege. Sending enemies back early or forcing them to commit resources is also a successful gank.

Strategic Buff Acquisition: Fortifying Your Team

Buff acquisition is a strategic cornerstone in the Jungler’s toolkit. Buffs from the Baron Nashor, Dragon, and Red/Blue monsters can significantly enhance your team’s strength and prospects:

  • Dragon Buffs dramatically sways the advantage towards your team. The first Dragon spawns at 5 minutes so you should assist your mid or bottom lane to create a numbers advantage beforehand. Furthermore, the Elder Dragon buff is a game-changing offensive buff and it’s your responsibility to track it. Even in a losing game it’s worth it to try to contest, rather than lose through attrition.
  • The Rift Herald, available at the eight-minute mark, can be summoned to push lanes, gather tower bounties, and boost your team’s income. The first one that spawns at eight minutes is the most important since it can guarantee one or even two towers. While getting the second one is also nice, champions are usually equipped to deal with it by then.
  • The Baron Nashor’s buff empowers your minions, aiding in the siege of enemy structures and ultimate victory. When you’re in a much better position than your enemies, you can instruct a teammate to split push bottom lane to buy time to capture Baron. However, if you think your team can’t fairly contest Baron, pressure them in other ways such as split pushing yourself or grabbing other objectives.

We hope you enjoyed this guide to playing Jungle champions as much as we had fun writing it! Armed with this information, go out there and try and earn cash & prizes by competing on Repeat.

All Crossovers In Call of Duty: Warzone

Crossovers in Call of Duty: Warzone

Warzone has become a kaleidoscope of iconic characters, zany weapons, and settings. These are the crossovers in Call of Duty: Warzone so far.

One of Call of Duty’s first crossovers was the “Call of the Dead” zombies map for Call of Duty: Black Ops. The map featured real-life actors Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, and Michael Rooker as playable characters against the godfather of all zombie movies himself, George A. Romero. The star-studded showdown was a love letter for horror fans, but most importantly, the fun event stayed within its own confines. 

Fast forward to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the game has become a kaleidoscope of iconic characters, zany weapons, and settings from every corner of the gaming multiverse. Whether or not you’re a fan of these high-concept crossovers, they’re here to stay. Here are all the crossovers available in Warzone 2 so far.


Modern Warfare 2 previously added streamers NICKMERCS and Timthetatman as playable characters in the game. However, due to recent issues with these internet personalities, their skins have been removed from the game.

Crash Bandicoot

The Crash Team Rumble Bundle adds Crash Bandicoot themed weapon skins and vehicles available for Warzone 2.


Brandish the steel claws of one the most iconic villains, Shredder. Shredder was introduced into the game with the Tracer Pack: The Shredder Bundle. Players who bought the pack also received themed skins like the Saki Blueprint for the ISO Hemlock and Steel Claws Melee for the Dual Kodachis. Shredder was a perfect crossover character for the Japanese-themed second season of the game.


Modern Warfare 2’s FC event was made to celebrate the FIFA World Cup 2022. The event launched with CODBall, COD’s twist on Rocket League, and three famous Football players. Argentinian Lionel Messi, Brazilian Neymar Jr, and French Paul Pogba were brought to the game, complete with their finishers featuring stylish and brutal kicks. All three operators are sold in seperate bundles that also includes weapon and vehicle skins.


NBA’s first Call of Duty crossover drafts Kevin Durant as a playable operator. The Phoenix Suns superstar was added during season three as part of the Tracer Pack: Kevin Durant Operator Bundle for the SpecGru faction (but no one would be surprised if he switches). As usual, the Kevin Durant: Operator Bundle other Basketball themed-items like weapon skins, charms, and finishers

Lara Croft

The lethal archeologist Lara Croft joins Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 as a playable character. Tomb Raider fans should be familiar as Keeley Hawes (Lara Croft’s voice in the Legend timeline) reprises her role in the crossover. Lara Croft’s operator bundle brings her instantly recognizeable pistols, a trusty ice axe, and the worn-down all-terrain Jeep, among other cosmetics.

Hip-Hop Artists

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 celebrated 50 years of Hip-Hop by adding special guests Snoop Dogg, 21 Savage, and Nicki Minaj to the game. This is Snoop Dogg’s second appearance in the series, as he was present in Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone. All these artists come with their individual bundles with skins, cosmetics, and finishers unique to their personas.

The Boys

Homelander, Black Noir, and Starlight fly in to represent hit the hit comic book TV adaptation, The Boys. Players can purchase the flawed heroes in their respective operator bundles, each with their blueprints, cosmetics, and finishers. Not only that, but The Boys crossover also adds Temp V, a temporary source of superpowers, as a field upgrade. Adding superpowers to the game was a polarizing decision and it’s up to the player on whether they view Call of Duty as a realistic military-shooter or a fun, arcadey experience.

How PlayStation Entry Condition Works on Repeat

PlayStation Entries Explained

This will explain how PlayStation entry condition works when entering leaderboard tournaments on Repeat.

You may have noticed some of our tournaments across all of our games have started to include an PlayStation entry condition which asks you to sign into a Sony account before claiming your free entry. To clear up any confusion, this does not mean these tournaments are exclusive to players who are playing on a PlayStation console.

You do not need to connect a console or play on console, all you need to do is create a Sony account and you can sign up for our tournaments even without owning a PlayStation.

What if I don’t own a PlayStation?

Even if you play on Xbox or PC, you can still just create a Sony account and add it to your Repeat account. You do not need to play on or own a PlayStation. If this doesn’t show up for you it means your region doesn’t have PSN accounts available, so don’t worry!

New Way to Win Prizes on Repeat


We are introducing a new way to win prizes on Repeat by allowing you to claim in-game products right after placing on a leaderboard.

Hey, Repeat competitors! We’re thrilled to announce a new feature that changes the way you get paid on Repeat. For now, this feature will just be limited to users competing in the League of Legends daily tournaments, but we’re excited to roll this out to the rest of Repeat once we’re happy with it.

More Than Just Cash and Coins

Beyond the immediate excitement of victory, we’re planning something. We’re working on rolling out product prizes, which means you can potentially win anything found on our marketplace. Imagine winning gift cards and other prizes for the games you play every day – exciting, right? For now, prizing will be limited to cash and coins. But keep an eye out for exciting new prizes in the future.

Claim Your Glory!

You’ve competed and emerged victorious in our tournaments. Now, it’s time to reap the rewards. With this new update, you will be required to claim your rewards via our marketplace. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the Marketplace: Your one-stop shop for all things prize-related.
  2. Head to ‘My Prizes’: This is where your well-deserved rewards await.
  3. Claim Your Prizes: A simple tap is all it takes to add winnings to your account.

Simple and Efficient

To make things even more convenient, we’ve introduced a feature to claim all cash and coin prizes with a single click. Just hit the “Claim All Cash & Coins” button, confirm the amount, and your account will be credited instantly.

Please let us know what you think of these new features and share your feedback on our Discord! What prizes would you like to see in future tournaments?

Stay tuned for more updates!

Fortnite Golden Ticket Contest for Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy

Fall Frenzy Golden Ticket contest

The Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy Golden Ticket Contest might be the easiest way to win $500 playing Fortnite.

Do you play Fortnite? Do you want to win $500? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, you are in luck.

In case you haven’t heard, Repeat and Gonna Need Milk are teaming up to bring you the Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy, which is a six-week long event with more than $50,000 in prizes available in a multitude of ways.

One of those ways is the Golden Ticket Contest, where all you have to do is be playing Milk’s Zany Ziplines map (Code: 2190-7114-0140) at the right time, frag the mystery Fortnite creator, and be the first to provide screenshot proof during the right time window in the Gonna Need Milk Discord and you will be the winner!

For more explanation, keep reading.

Golden Ticket Contest

Golden Ticket Contest Explained Further

In order to know when the Golden Ticket Contest is active and which skin the creator is wearing, we will be dropping clues in the Discord channel. Make sure you join the Gonna Need Milk Discord server. You will only know which day the creator is playing and the skin they are using, but the 3-hour window in which they will be playing will remain a mystery.

Once you know what skin the creator is using, you will need to be playing Milk’s Zany Ziplines map on that day and take a screenshot if you see and frag the creator. As long as you are the first to provide screenshot proof in the Discord, and this frag is verified by the creator, you will win $500! Users will only be able to claim this $500 prize if they have signed up for a Repeat account and can verify their identification.

More Fun Discord Challenges

The best news? Golden Ticket is not the only way to earn real cash prizes playing the Zany Ziplines map. You can also win by completing any one of the below quests during the Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy and be entered into a giveaway drawing for each prize.

  • The Milk Hour Giveaway – There will be a random hour in the day which users can win $20 by posting a screenshot of them finishing Top 3 on Zany Ziplines. All users who post screenshots are entered into a giveaway and five people will win $20 each.
  • Flawless Victor’s Giveaway – If you play in a Zany Ziplines map and achieve 20 kills and 0 deaths, and can show proof of this, you can win $100.
  • The Show Off Giveaway – Users who post clips or screenshots playing in the map in to a channel. Clips get you double the entries and may be shown on broadcast.
  • The Milker Giveaway – $50 – Screenshot you collecting all the MILK letters on the map
  • Victor’s Giveaway – $50 – Show proof of you winning a match
  • Milk Moment Giveaway – $50 – Take a selfie of you holding a glass of milk while playing on the MILK map
  • The Newbie Giveaway – $50 – Send a screenshot of your five most recent games being on the MILK map
  • The Pro Giveaway – $100 – Send a screenshot of your ten most recent games being on the MILK map

There are so many ways to win during the Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy! Good luck and have fun.

Terms & Conditions for Discord Challenges

  1. In order to claim any prizes won in the Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy Discord challenges, including all of those mentioned above and any more announced in the Gonna Need Milk Discord server, users must have an eligible Repeat account and be able to verify their identification.
  2. Repeat reserves the right to disqualify anyone suspected of cheating or manipulating the contest in order to win these prizes.
  3. Must be in regions which can redeem V-Bucks within Fortnite if the prize of a giveaway includes V-Bucks.
  4. Users who win cash prizes must have a valid PayPal account. Alternative prizing may be available depending on region.

Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy Schedule For Live Broadcast Finals on Twitch

Fall Frenzy Schedule

The Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy schedule is six-weeks long and includes many ways to win cash playing Fortnite.

We are so excited to team up with Gonna Need Milk for the Fall Frenzy event with over $50,000 in prizes being awarded across this six-week long Fortnite event. Keep reading to see how the qualifiers and live broadcasts will work.

Monday through Friday for each of the first four weeks, a qualifier will be available to players of all skill on Repeat in which the top five winners will be invited to participate in the main event on Sunday, where Repeat players will compete in a Free For All on the Zany Ziplines map and then those who advance will be paired with a Fortnite creator and compete together in a Zone Wars event for a $4,800 cash prize. This event will be streamed LIVE on the Repeat Twitch channel

Last Chance Qualifier

There will also be Last Chance Qualifiers available on Saturday between 3pm and 6pm PST, where Repeat will select three more players to compete on Sunday and all you have to do is play Milk’s Zany Ziplines Map (Code: 2190-7114-0140) during this time and post a screenshot into the Discord channel of you finishing in the top 3 in your match. We will choose 3 players at complete random and invite them to the Main Event finals.

The Main Event will consist of a combination of Free-For-All competitions on the Zany Ziplines map and then finish with players competing in Zone Wars in order to take home portion of the $4,800 total prize pool. The broadcast will be live on Repeat’s Twitch and take place on Oct 25, Oct 29, Nov 5 and Nov 12.

Gonna Need Milk Fall Frenzy Schedule

Fall Frenzy Schedule

In the final week of the event, Gonna Need Milk will host a Grand Finals with a total prize pool of $15,000. The Repeat players who get 1st and 2nd in each main event broadcast will be paired with one of eight creators and compete for the grand prize on November 25.

We are also hosting a Golden Ticket contest in which users can win $500 just by playing the Zany Ziplines map. Learn more here.


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